Monday, December 13, 2010

Holiday Havoc

My house is in total distress. There are bits of felt, strings of frayed fabric and stray pieces of wrapping paper scattered about the house. The Mr. is climbing the walls because of the mess, but it doesn't make sense to clean it all up real good when I'm just gonna mess it all up again every few hours.

I'm cramming in the sewing machine time in between baking batches of cookies. I've taken just about everyone else's Christmas pictures but our own. So when I had an hour to try to set up the tripod and a makeshift spot in the living room, the light was crap and nobody was in the mood to wait for me to adjust things accordingly.
Once again I've over-booked myself on the volunteering department. I love to volunteer, I just need to learn that magic little word every now and again, to save not only my sanity, but that of my family as well. I did volunteer for two easy items at two of the kids' Christmas parties. Yay for chocolate milk and candies to decorate gingerbread houses!

Most of the handmade projects are awaiting the final touches. I ran out of elastic and so I now have six pair of PJ's, six pair of doll PJ's, and four skirts to put elastic in before I can wrap them up.
I haven't taken many pictures of the finished projects yet. So I can only share with you a couple for now.

I had enough fabric scraps left over to make matching PJ's for my youngest child's' doll. When I showed the oldest, she said she wanted matching PJ's for her favorite stuffed bear. So I ended up making matching PJ's for each kid and their doll or stuffed animal of choice.
This weekend is cram time for sure. The kids will be spending the weekend with my sister, and I plan to finish things up and work till my fingers bleed. Of coarse, this is after the four Christmas parties, cookie swap, co-op, two teacher conferences, orchestra concert and finishing up teachers gifts for the last school day of December...

How about you? Do you over do it during the Holidays? Do you over extend yourself throughout the year as well? Have you learned that magic little "no" word? If so, can you teach me?!


  1. I just posted a bunch of my projects. There are still so many to do. I don't know if I'll finish in time. So, I can totally relate.

    Wow! What you have done looks great and such a great idea!!

    I remember you once saying you were sewing all the way until Christmas eve. I think that may be me. What about you?

    You are so amazing and I am not the least bit surprised that you have over-volunteered. Your heart has always been so giant.

    Hugs to you, dear Rey.

  2. Ahhh, what cute little jammies! You are so talented, so creative. Those are adorable.

    I feel very much in control this year, I'm not sure why. And I've trained everyone in my life to expect nothing whatsoever from me, so that little word is rarely necessary. They know better than to ask!
