Sunday, August 15, 2010

What we ate this week; Helping with Bountiful Baskets

This past week I found myself longing for the new produce basket.
It's amazing how much fruit and vegetables one family can eat when the produce is fresh and delicious. We didn't have quite enough to make it two weeks.
So needless to say the weeks menu was boring and consisted of quite a few left overs and simple dishes.
The only new recipe I managed to try out was another Smitten Kitchen recipe for Artichoke & Mushroom Marsala Pasta.

The pictures from the site left me drooling all over my keyboard. I've had a hankering for mushrooms and my family loves artichokes so I gave the recipe a try.

It was good, but not fantastic. Smitten Kitchen lady even mentions that it might need some "brightening up" with some lemon or balsamic. We tried balsamic and it helped, but I think I was expecting it to be a little more saucy, less dry perhaps. Maybe I'll double the sauce next time.
Nothing exciting happened on the cooking front but the good news is I may be teaming up with a friend to start running another Saturday basket pick-up! There were several mentions of the desire to have produce delivered every week instead of every other. So my friend Anne suggested she and I run another Saturday in-between.

I got to go help out with the last delivery and I think it would be manageable. It was fun helping out and feeling apart of something really cool.

The volunteers got a few of the extra's, I got a couple pluots (plum/apricot hybrid). They are so heavenly! If you've never had one let me tell you, they didn't last a day in my house!

Those are the Pluots next to the very large Roma tomatoes.

I was also given some English cucumbers for pickling.

I bet in the next post I will be introducing pickles!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! You should feel very satisfied and gratified.

    We did pickles a couple weeks ago. And I just finished up some peach jam this evening.

    Your photos are awesome!
